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Games, development topics, rants, etc. Come sit and listen!

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I'm a software engineer based in Fort Wayne, IN. I primarily work on JS/.NET systems, but moonlight
in Rust and Rust accessories. Take a look at my projects!
Games and demos

Breaker: A block breaker game, built with Bevy.
Orbital: An n-body simulator, built with Bevy.
rustrays: A demo that generates raytraced images based on
a preset scene.
Strategem Legend: A trainer for Helldivers 2 strategems.

Applications, plugins, and tools

gitty: Quality of life scripts for Git.
pep9-asm: Language support for the Pep/9 assembly language
in Visual Studio Code.
Sauron: A simple utility for searching for packages on the AUR.
SplitterGenerator: Generates specific ratio
splitters for Factorio.


antsy-ansi: Provides a C++ header for easy generation of
ANSI color codes. (Archived)
cisco_ios_dsl: A domain-specific language for
constructing Cisco IOS device configurations.
nintendo64-pac: A peripheral access crate for the
Nintendo 64.
prague: A client library for Apache Kafka, built from the
ground up for Rust.
react-context-stateful: A simple wrapper
that makes it easy to create simple, stateful contexts.
uncertain: Defines a mathematically uncertain number type
for scientific applications.

Featured Works


A peripheral access crate for the Nintendo 64.

Language: Rust - Stars: 2

A trainer for Helldivers 2 strategems.

Language: Rust - Stars:

A fun little demo that simulates n-body systems in space. Built with Bevy.

Language: Rust - Stars:

Language: Rust - Stars: