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Open source contributor and enthusiast, last years doing a lot of projects in Crystal lang.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/hugopl

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Hugo, a Brazilian developer and long time open source contributor, in the last years working for fun on my spare time on Crystal and GTK/GObject related projects.
I would love to be paid to work on these GTK/Crystal projects, but that's not the reality (yet?) so I work on these things only on my free time.
Starting the career as a virtual beggar, I would use this money to buy drugs and alcohol and improve the Crystal GTK4 bindings 😁. Just kidding, but would be nice to have some sponsorship 🙂

Featured Works


GTK4 bindings for Crystal

Language: Crystal - Stars: 104

Tool to generate Crystal bindings for gobject-based libraries (i.e. GTK)

Language: Crystal - Stars: 47

Gnome dash docset documentation reader written in Crystal

Language: Crystal - Stars: 32
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