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Interests: Language design, compilers, digital logic, theorem provers, computational geometry, mathematics, real time embedded signal processing

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Computers are possibly the most important invention created by humans, yet very few people can really create computer hardware and software to solve their problems. The complexity required today is out of reach for most people.
We buy computers made by others, and follow the rules that have been baked into them by their manufacturers.
I dream of computers not being something that we use, but something that we can create for our own specific purposes. A tool that can be modified, such that it is exactly what it needs to be.
Open and customizable hardware, such as FPGAs with open source toolchains, gets us closer, but managing the complexity of this hardware is difficult with conventional hardware description languages, even more so than modern software.
I am working on tools to make developing hardware as a community not just possible, but fun.
If this interests you, let's talk on ##hlsdesign or #proglangdesign on freenode, my nick is HackerFoo.
Note that work on VTR and Symbiflow is fund by my employer, but I work on PoprC on my own time (nights and weekends.)

Featured Works


A Compiler for the Popr Language

Language: C - Stars: 246

Verilog to Routing -- Open Source CAD Flow for FPGA Research

Language: C++ - Stars: 1064