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Masters in CS at NYU Courant. Formerly Go developer @civo, @cncf Intern for @kubernetes (LFX Mentee Fall'21)

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/haardikdharma10

GitHub Sponsors Profile

👋 I am a final year undergrad student pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from Pune, India. I work on and contribute to the following open-source projects:
Mattermost - An open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle.

Consistently contributing to the mattermost-server, mattermost-webapp, mattermost-developer-documentation repositories, fixing bugs and improving documentation.
Adding new features and plugin support to the existing Mattermost server. Worked on plugins like GitHub, GitLab and Jira.
Contributing to latest Mattermost projects like Focalboard, Playbooks etc.
Producing high quality translations (English to Hindi) for Mattermost release after release, tested in context.
Honoured as the Most Valued Professional (MVP) for Mattermost release version 5.31 (https://developers.mattermost.com/contribute/mvp/)

Kubernetes Policy Working Group - A place for policy work group related proposals and prototypes.

Built an external adapter which converts outputs received from KubeArmor and creates/updates a PolicyReport based on the Policy Report CRD - https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/wg-policy-prototypes/pull/95

Civo - The first pure play cloud native service powered only by Kubernetes.

Working on civogo - a Go client library for accessing the Civo cloud API.
Working to add CLI commands to Civo CLI - a tool to manage your Civo account from the terminal.

Featured Works


GitHub plugin for Mattermost

Language: Go - Stars: 161

Our Command Line Interface (CLI) for interacting with your Civo resources

Language: Go - Stars: 184

A place for policy work group related proposals and prototypes.

Language: Go - Stars: 65

Golang client to interact with Civo's API

Language: Go - Stars: 38
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