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gridDigIt has been established in 2020 with the objective to provide state of the art digital, innovative and interoperable tools and solutions.

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

The company relies on more than 20 years of experience, provided by its employees, in activities of transmission system operators mainly in the areas of power system analysis, power system modelling, data/model management and R&D.
gridDigIt offers the following main services:

Power System Operation and Security, System Development, Strategic Planning, Grid Connection Studies, Digitalization, Feasibility studies related to large scale infrastructure investments.
Solving challenges on network modelling and studies; doing studies, supporting other parties or review of studies.
Support technical part of the requirements related to digitalization.
Support related to the ENTSO-E processes e.g. CGM process, grid planning, etc.
Training activities on network modelling and related data exchanges; IEC CIM (Common Information Model) and CGMES (Common Grid Model Exchange Standard); extending CIM for local purpose; conformity process.
Support on preparation for CIM/CGMES conformity both for vendors and TSOs/DSOs
Support on review and specific parts of technical specifications to organize data flow for network modelling.
Feasibility and interconnection studies, operational advice, consultancy on Grid code compliance.
Strategic advisory and guidance on solution architecture roadmaps and planning.

gridDigIt develops an open source application CimPal which is Java application licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later. It helps CIM implementation by providing tools which facilitate the work related to SHACL constraints and identification of changes between different versions of CIM profiles. One of the recent mambers of the CimPal family of apps is the CGMES v2.4 to CGMES v3.0 (IEC 61970-600-1:2021 and IEC 61970-600-2: 2021)
The sponsorship of this open source family is important to keep the tooling up to date and provide more useful functionalities. Any funds that are received will be allocated to maintain CimPal, collect additional requiremennts and expand the application.

Featured Works


CimPal is an open source Java application published by gridDigIt and Licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later. It helps CIM implementation by providing tools facilitation the work related to SHACL cons…

Language: Java - Stars: 16

CimPal CGMES v2.4 to v3.0 Converter is one of the CimPal family apps which is an open source Java application published by gridDigIt and Licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later.

Language: Java - Stars: 2