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Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the Glasgow Azure User Group.
Our group was established in 2017 and has nearly 2000 members across our various social media and event platforms. We generally see around 40 RSVPs per (in person) meetup. We have an open-door policy and every member of the IT community is welcome. Speakers are invited to attend the meetups and share their knowledge and experience around Microsoft Azure and adjacent technologies.
Glasgow has a strong technology scene and there are a lot of enthusiastic engineers, developers, and C-level executives that enjoy coming together to network and learn.
During the global pandemic we tried to keep the group together with virtual meetups and running sticker giveaways. We have been having in-person meetups since April 2022. We are looking to return to our bi-monthly schedule of in-person events in 2023.
All meetups are promoted via various channels at least 6 weeks in advance. This includes Meetup, Eventbrite, Twitter, LinkedIn, and our newsletter.
Sponsorship pays for the following:

Food and drink
Quiz prizes
Office 365 licensing to help run the user group
Kahoot quiz license to help us run our infamous quizzes

The organisers have strong ties in the tech community and have been responsible for multiple community events and activities. Both of our organisers have been recognised as Microsoft MVPs in recent years for their work within the community.
The organisers are:
Sarah Lean, Microsoft MVP;
Gregor Suttie, Microsoft MVP.