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Lawyer who codes. Software Engineer at Thomson Reuters.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm a lawyer/coder who is working to try and improve the tools available to people who want to automate legal services for access to justice.
I was the ABA Innovation Fellow for the American Bar Association's Center for Innovation in 2018/2019, when I wrote docassemble-openlcbr, which is tool that brings basic analogical reasoning tools to docassemble. That project was sponsored by Clio. I also wrote docassemble-docusign , a module sponsored by Radiant Law for getting documents built in docassemble signed using docusign.
I also teach a class on Coding the Law at the University of Alberta, and the course materials for that class are available as open source.

Featured Works


A docassemble package for case outcome prediction using the analogical reasoning features of openlcbr.

Language: Python - Stars: 12

A Google Apps Script using a spreadsheet to file email as communications in Clio.

Language: JavaScript - Stars:

A DocAssemble interview for determining eligibility for Legal Aid Alberta services.

Language: - Stars:

A github repository for materials related to the Fall 2020 offering of Law 589: Coding The Law at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law

Language: - Stars:

A docassemble extension.

Language: - Stars:

Example rules as code implementations

Language: JavaScript - Stars: