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I want to build out the inner workings of a float-based MIDI description language so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 can be a scale starting on C (or any note based off of an offset). I want to describe notes from a configurable table of numbers. I call this Atomic Note. This is my outline of what I want to create with it - not just notes, but loops, iterations, patterns that all come from current jargon, but are harder to express in typical music notation:
I also want to make a GUI for it to be used by anyone with a computer - and hook into ableton through WebMIDI.
to test and send to midi file to produce off of this.
I have plans to build a nodejs based JWT token login for a website. Logins are something I want to get into. I plan on reading up on OpenID , JWT tokens, and exploring how to provide a simple login system for a future website.
I plan to put my code on github, have an admin tool for administrating add/remove of users, and build out a database for tokens and hashing keys.
I would like to build an angular based website - I want to have a place to put my content that looks presentable.
I would like to build a phone-based answering service hackathon-ish system for responding based on beeps, and possibly integrating that into an integer based system of Atomic Note called IntNote.