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Qubits, hearing, acoustics and audio. Cloud, apps and embedded. Hardware, software and signal processing.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/flatmax

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I started using free software and Linux back in 1994 when there were users in their thousands. I have always made free software and technology.
My focus is on cutting edge solutions, ideas and approaches to implementing software, signal processing and hardware.
I work on products, research and projects relating to hearing, acoustics and audio. This includes work on electronics, signal processing and programming. It covers areas including modelling how we hear sound, how systems interact in the real world, how to design high quality acoustic systems.
Some examples of my work help people with hearing problems get fitted with hearing aids and biological implants.
With your support I will be able focus more on implementing software and breaking new ground on the technological forefront in my areas of interest.

Featured Works


Lockless and ordered, parallel chain reaction processing

Language: C++ - Stars: 8

Trivialised Threading, GTK GUIs, Signal Processing, Neural Networks, Audio Processing, Octave interfacing ... and more !

Language: C++ - Stars: 14
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