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Web Developer, PHP Enthusiast

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I'm a Back-End Developer and Blogger living in Austria. I'm mainly working on API related stuff with PHP. When it comes to frameworks I love to rely on Laravel or Slim Framework.
With your support I will further improve the phpspec integrations and also the json-decoder package. In addition I will try to start with live coding on Youtube.

Featured Works


JsonDecoder implementation that allows you to convert your JSON data into PHP class objects.

Language: PHP - Stars: 140

Collect backend metrics and provide them as Server-Timing header in your responses

Language: PHP - Stars: 43

[ABANDONED] Collection of additional matchers for phpspec

Language: PHP - Stars: 31

Store a certain application state in the session or cache.

Language: PHP - Stars: 17

phpspec-watcher is a cli tool for automating phpspec execution on source file changes.

Language: PHP - Stars: 11

Extension of the kirby-uniform plugin

Language: PHP - Stars: 13
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