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Freelance web/graphics dev/tech artist | ThreeJS, React | Maintainer @pmndrs

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hey there! 🙋‍♂️
My name is Faraz and I'm a passionate Web and WebGL developer focused on creating an ecosystem of open-source components, abstractions, and tools. My goal is to give back to the community more than I consume from it through projects like three-custom-shader-material and gl-noise as well as contributing to impactful projects such as react-three/drei and TLDraw. I'm also known for creating open source demos and helping people solve problems.
While I can't guarantee that sponsorship will lead to specific work, I have a ton of ideas and projects in the pipeline that I would love to dedicate more time to, and sponsorship would make that possible. If my work and contributions have helped you learn or have been enabling for your own projects, I encourage you to consider sponsoring me.
If you need specific help, or are interested in contracting work, consulting, or financing open-source contributions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me at [email protected] or on Discord. Thank you for your support!

Featured Works


🥉 useful helpers for react-three-fiber

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 8694

🧩 Extend Three.js standard materials with your own shaders!

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 990

JavaScript 3D Library.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 104462

🏔 Procedural terrain using Three.js and perlin noise, Now Accelerated by your GPU!

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 364

A collection of GLSL noise functions for use with WebGL with an easy to use API.

Language: GLSL - Stars: 236

⚡️ A React abstraction for the popular three-gpu-pathtracer

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 179
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