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To create accessible simple tools for the Pen Testing Community and beyond.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello There,
Thank you for the visit, here is a little about myself.
I am Ash Noor, a Sudanese Pen Tester, an avid blogger, Python programming, and Lover of Outer Space. A few years ago I started to learn Python for a passion project to digitize a Nubian Dictionary. Through that journey I ended up creating a tool to extract text from a PDF, and since then, every time I would run into an issue I would start working on making a tool to help solve said issue, and that's how I fell in love with Tool Development, and would like to continue doing it.

What am I working on?
KERnano :
The No Install, Python Pen Testing Kit. (for Windows & Linux).
[ Site | Blog Post | Repo ]

A total of 10 tools to be exact, in this version.
It is meant to be light-weight to fit in a flash drive.
Having executables for both Windows & Linux, means you can just double click it to run.
It will have updated tools from my previous multi-tool CTF Ware, with additional tools such as:
The URL Checker, a Wordlist creator, a Port Scanner, and others.
Details of the tools are available via the KERnano site, and the blog post, both linked above.

Why is your sponsorship important?
It would show me that what I'm making is helpful to you and the community, which would encourage me to make more tools, and to help improve the ones I've made so far. I am the sole creator of these tools, so the funds would be going directly into helping me learn Pythonic ways to make the tools better, and maybe even towards learning how to make GUI versions of the popular ones, and of course, coffee :).
If I get enough sponsors, I would like to focus on Tool Development and blogging Full-Time.
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading all this way.
I appreciate your time, and hopefully you saw a project that you would be interested in supporting.
Be safe out there, and Code The Planet.
-Ash N. | | | | Buy Me a Coffee

Featured Works


KERnano: The No-install Python Pen Testing kit. (Windows & Linux)

Language: TeX - Stars: 12