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Public Health Specialist, Spatial Epidemiologist, R Developer

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I am Ernest Guevarra, originally from the Philippines but now based in Oxford, United Kingdom. I have more than 15 years of professional experience in community and public health in humanitarian crises and developing country-settings, including as a community health worker, medical doctor, and as an epidemiologist. I have expertise in spatial epidemiology, geo-statistics, and statistical programming using R. I design, develop and implement innovative surveys and assessments on health and nutrition and analytical approaches that leverage the advantages of Bayesian statistics and resampling techniques using R.
I am a founding member of Katilingban, a collective of public health and nutrition experts and practitioners. My main role within the collective is to lead the development of tools on health and nutrition assessment and programme evaluation in low and middle income countries that can be used by programme managers in their day-to-day running of programmes. My current focus is our work on RapidSurveys which is a collection of R packages and R Shiny applications for conducting rapid health and nutrition assessments and evaluations. It is this work that I hope to seek sponsorship for. Any contributions will support me being able to set aside focussed time to complete the whole suite of RapidSurveys packages and applications and allow me to eventually launch the applications on adequate remote servers for free use by health and nutrition programme managers in low and middle income countries.

Featured Works


Anthropometric z-score calculator

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Open Data Kit R API

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Poverty Probability Index (PPI) Lookup Tables

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An Implementation of the Rapid Assessment Method for Older People (RAM-OP)

Language: R - Stars: 2

The NiPN data quality toolkit

Language: R - Stars: 5

Open Data Kit (ODK)-based Computer-assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) Tools

Language: R - Stars: 3