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Enes Erk
👋 Hi, i am Enes Erk. I am a Software Developer at avency.
I have experience in the development of websites, web applications and apps based on PHP and NodeJS, among others. Some additional experiences are the development of smart home environments and working with electricity⚡.
About Me

💻 I'm currently working on a smart-home environment based on MQTT, zigbee2mqtt, node-red and a connector for Zigbee, Amazon Alexa and Tasmota.
🔭 I’m currently learning: Golang and Kubernetes
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]

Tools I work with

🤖 IDE: PhpStorm, GOland and IntelliJ IDEA
💻 Hosting: I use Docker but I want to switch to kubernetes
👨‍💻 I work on a HP Envy x360 and a custom build computer

Featured Works


Docker traefik proxy with optional cloudflare and authentik support

Language: - Stars: 12

Installer to create a traefik configuration

Language: Go - Stars:

Management for Authelia

Language: Go - Stars: 1

Node-Red Tasmota, Zigbee2mqtt and Alexa to EFQ and back

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 3

Slice a monorepo project into single repositories

Language: PHP - Stars: 2