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Passionate creator of software and hardware professionally and privately.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/EnzoMeertens

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Passionate creator of software and hardware professionally and privately.
Open source projects include (but definitely not limited to):
🚀 Kerbal Krash System; an immersion and difficulty enhancing mod for Kerbal Space Program. Adding realistic, collision-based deformations. Easily extended through KKS-mods (used to add leaking effects, malfunctions, repairs & others).
🔊 BeepBoop; A small program to play audio to two separate channels on your PC. Combined with a Windows audio loop-back driver this can be used to play audio in-game through a virtual microphone and your own speakers.
⌨️ GhostPlay; Record and playback keystrokes and mouse movements/clicks. Or detect images/text on-screen (as a trigger or to click them) through easily configurable routines and subroutines to automate anything you can think of!
Your sponsorship would contribute in continuing my current and future projects.
Hopefully my projects can bring joy/ease to your day!

Featured Works


The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.

Language: C# - Stars: 19132

Repository for the Kerbal Krash System mod for Kerbal Space Program.

Language: C# - Stars: 9
Past Sponsorships
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