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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I came up in San Francisco, hustled in LA, doubled my vocabulary in Bogotá, and grew roots on Kauai.
Today I run a design and development firm - - building Apps, APIs, CMSs, CDNs, Crawlers, Scrapers, & AI assistants - as both consumer products and SASS tools.

Here are a few open source projects I'm maintaining, and their Issues and Roadmaps that would move much faster with your funding:

Objects/Actions Worksheet - a tool for helping entrepreneurs document their projects, and scaffold their systems.

Red Dirt Coworkers - a way of building a cooperative farms and collaborative workspaces through sweat equity around home improvements.

Featured Works


React Native for Santa App

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 1

Language: JavaScript - Stars:

Spreadsheets to Full Stack

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 3

AI Prompt Automator

Language: Python - Stars: 2
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