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I make things on the internet. Stanford '28.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/eiiot

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi! 👋
My name is Eliot, and I'm a high-school student from Berkeley, CA. In my spare time, I like to build projects that other people find useful.
I've built a map of railroads called The Rail Map, worked on an API for amtrak called amtraker, created a free api for interacting with Google Forms called openform, and built tons of projects for students at my school!
Because all of these projects are free, I end up paying for hosting out of my own pocket. Sponsorships help me to continue making things that the world can enjoy.
If you find anything I've made helpful, please consider a sponsorship.
Thanks <3

Featured Works


View the world's Railroads and Railroad Crossings

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 6

Every pixel is a life. View COVID-19's impact on the world.

Language: TypeScript - Stars:

A rewrite of @piemadd's Amtraker API

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 10

Language: TypeScript - Stars:

Language: TypeScript - Stars:

📝 An API to get and send data to a Google Form

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 22
Past Sponsorships
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Sponsorship Breakdown by Kind