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Yazılım ve Siber Güvenliği Seven Bir Coder Diyelim....

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Ebubekir Bastama My Coder Living in Turkey,
I am currently developing software in many languages, including cyber security programs and c #.
Some of those:

[ ] 1-) Excel Hunter

[ ] 2-) EBS Siem

[ ] 3-)BekraPhoneLognig

[ ] 4-)EBSPasswdCreate

[ ] 5-)EBSPortScannerPHP

[ ] 6-)TexttxtFile-Division-Program

[ ] 7-)EBS-Log4j-RCEScanner

[ ] 8-)EBSSRamClearEXE

[ ] 9-) EBS-Web-Cam-image-Save

[ ] 10-)EBS-Port-and-Ip-Scanner

[ ] 11-)EBSEncrypt and EBSDescrypt


[ ] 13-)EBS-Hash-Brute-Froce

[ ] 14-)PythonTelnetConnect

[ ] 15-)BekraBuster-Url-Brute-Force

[ ] 16-)BekraHayrNesterWhatshappPhishing-php

[ ] 17-)OsintTools

[ ] 18-)SyhMhfzReverseShell

[ ] 19-)SysmonCreator

[ ] 20-)Nslookup
etc.) I have programs and I will use the Incoming Funds primarily on Desktop Computers and Domain Host Systems in order to develop the programs I will write for the benefit of more people, more stable and faster.