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I’m the creator and maintainer of several open source extensions for Azure Data Studio as well as a community speaker focused on open source software and development. I appreciate feature requests and bug reports on all the projects.
I hope that my work allows you to work more efficiently, helps you navigate a problem, or strikes inspiration for your own open source projects. These are my primary projects:

Query Editor Boost Extension for Azure Data Studio
First Responder Kit Extension for Azure Data Studio
Azure Data Studio Extension Development Walkthrough
High Color Queries Color Theme for Azure Data Studio

Sponsorships will be used to support new feature development and help me speak for more user groups.
Outside of projects that I directly maintain, I’m not afraid of contributing to other projects where I am able to help. I believe that we can make the world a better place through the transparency of open source technology. Here are some examples:

Added Feature to VSCode Nuget Package Manager
Added Feature to Azure Data Studio Yeoman Extension Generator

Featured Works


Install and Run the First Responder Kit Scripts from Azure Data Studio

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 74

Azure Data Studio Extension: Query Editor Boost

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 16

Theme Pair of Dark and Light Themes for TSQL in Azure Data Studio. Dark theme uses bright colors and light theme is SSMS-esque.

Language: TSQL - Stars: 14

Azure Data Studio Extension Development - Sample Extension Walk-Through

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 7

Azure Data Studio Demo Mode Extension

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 7

Edge/Chrome Extension for Collapsing the MS Docs Sidebar

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 2