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:books: Math geek Systems Engineer

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi! I'm Dylan Tintenfich, an advanced Systems Engineering student who loves Python and Open Source projects.
My goal is to build applications that make your life easier. I hope the projects I'm working on can do that in some way.
💻 Some of my projects:

UdemyPy: a bot that shares free Udemy courses on social media.
curvipy: a python package for visualizing mathematical functions, curves and linear transformations.
electripy: a point charges network simulator.
operating_systems_utn: a Telegram bot that teaches operating systems, meant for UTN-FRM students.

Sponsorships help me continue maintaining and building new projects like these! 🥰

Featured Works


Free Udemy courses everyday!

Language: Python - Stars: 229

Make math animations in a few lines of code.

Language: Python - Stars: 68

Learn electrostatics by playing around with electrons and protons.

Language: Python - Stars: 29

Bot de Telegram que te ayuda con tus ejercicios de Sistemas Operativos.

Language: Python - Stars: 20