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32 years old. I'm a mostly self-taught developer focusing on games and modern C++.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Who am I?
Hi, I'm drako0812, and I'm 32 years old and I live in Missouri. I've been programming as a hobby since about 2009. I mostly program in C++, and I like to focus on coding in modern C++ as much as possible. I also have decent experience with C# and Python, as well. Additionally, I have some familiarity with Go, Rust, and Lua.
What am I working on?
I mostly program things such as games, fantasy consoles, and engines, as well as software supporting those things.
My current focus is a new scripting language that blends BASIC, C, and Lua into an easy-to-learn, easy-to-embed, and easy to modify language.
Why sponsor me?

I live in a very rural part of Missouri which makes getting a job in the software development industry very difficult.
I like the idea of working on whatever project I feel is important, so a non-traditional income would help support that.
Having an income from my work would help me keep my computer hardware and software up-to-date and working. Not to mention help me offset the costs of bills and food.