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Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/DomCR

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Albert 👋! I'm an architect who has changed his career path to become a software developer full-time, even in my free time, I really enjoy building and developing software and I'm trying to pursue my dream to become an open source developer full-time.
Current Projects
As an architect I've spend a fair amount of time using Autocad and working with Dwg and Dxf files, and I still do, this C# library helps you manage Cad files easier and automates processes like gathering or modifying information from a file without any need for a heavy dedicated software.
This library is similar to ACadSharp but with 3D files, the main goal is to create a C# library to rule them all! this way you can have a 3D model in any supported format and manipulate, transform or save it in any other format as you want.

Thank you so much for your support! 🖖

Featured Works


C# library to read/write cad files like dxf/dwg.

Language: C# - Stars: 452

Complement library for ACadSharp to generate Pdf files from Dwg/Dxf.

Language: C# - Stars: 13

3D library in pure C# that allows reading and writing in multiple formats.

Language: C# - Stars: 43
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