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Crystallographer and Desktop Application Developer

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

This page is to support me with the software I have programmed over the years to simplify the life of a small-molecule crystallographer. The software is completely free to use and modify.
Running the website and signing the executables for the programs costs around 150€ per year.
I'm not out to get rich from these hobby projects, and I'm not making any money from them, but I'd be happy to get some of my costs back.

Featured Works


A CIF file finalizer for small molecule crystallography with as much automation as possible.

Language: Python - Stars: 14

A crystal structure finder written in PyQt5 and Python3

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 15

Refinement of disordered structures with SHELXL

Language: Python - Stars: 5

A parser and editor for SHELXL files.

Language: Python - Stars: 12

A measurement logging and organizing project

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 4

A port of DSR to Olex2

Language: Python - Stars: