
An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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A programmer by heart! Once started with PHP, ending up with a whole lot more languages. Committed to create lean and clean code.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/DigiLive

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi there,
I often find myself spending hours of coding.
Not a problem here, it's what I love doing.
However, I contribute a lot to repositories which often aren't mine and although I've (re)written many of the repository's code, it feels kind of harsh I'm not receiving the same as an owner does.
Although the credits I get, in ways like a "thank you" or being mentioned somewhere, I also need real credits so I can keep spending my time on projects, pay bills (energy, life support, etc.) and sometimes renew my soft- or hardware.
Please support me with a sponsorship, and I will support you by continuing to code.

Featured Works


A strategy to automatically generate a dashboard using mushroom cards

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 444
Active Sponsors
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Sponsor Breakdown