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Photonics research scientist at @hewlettpackard, RIIR enthusiast. Previously: Master's degree in photonics engineering at Ghent University

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As one of the most active open source contributors to Typst, I welcome anybody who would wish to support my work on Typst and other adjacent projects 😄
You may know for having implemented the color rework and color gradients that landed in 0.9.0. But also a bunch of small but impactful optimizations on bibliographies, on text shaping, on errors, and on incremental export. The raw.line which enables people to number their code snippers more easily, improved figures, as well as a bunch of nice scripting features.
Lately I have been working on a major performance overall of Typst which has brought a speedup of up to 3.5x faster incremental compilation. I am also continuing the work on gradients with pattern fills.
I am currently (22nd of November 2023) the third most active contributor behind the two original Typst founders. I am also very active on Discord where you can find me with the same username. I try to help newcomers, guide design decisions, and entertain people with some Typst memes. I have also made a template for students at Ghent University.
If you would like to give me a small kickback for helping you, or for some features you are using feel free to, I will be eternally grateful to you.
If you are a company and would like help in creating Typst templates/integrating Typst in your workflow feel free to message such that we can organize a virtual meeting.

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