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computer graphics, computer engineering, gamedev, and stuff like that

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/dcronqvist

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello there!
I'm Daniel, a 24 year old software engineer from Sweden! I work on many different things and working full time on open source software is my dream! Help me get there! I maintain a couple of different game development related libraries (windowing, graphics, networking, etc.) like DotGLFW and DotGL.
Love ya! <3

Featured Works


☕ a .NET wrapper for GLFW with provided binaries to allow for seamless integration

Language: C# - Stars: 7

👾 a low level OpenGL 4.6 binding for C#

Language: C# - Stars: 2

📚 A .NET library for loading Tiled maps and tilesets

Language: C# - Stars: 30

🖋 a .NET implementation of the multi-channel signed distance field atlas generator

Language: C# - Stars:

🕷️ authoritative server protocol and .NET library for games using udp

Language: C# - Stars: 3

🎼 a .NET library for handling content in your game

Language: C# - Stars:
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