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Postdoc at Kelley Harris' Lab at University of Washington

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I am davidmasp, I work as a PhD student in the field of computational biology and data analysis. I enjoy drafting and playing with all sorts of data to obtain insight and cool knowledge.
I am working on improving my web dev skills as I believe it does have a lot of potential for data visualization and in general for data journaling. The most important thing about plotting data is to reach people that then are going to get information from it, the more people the better, so web development is an important skill.
I have set up this sponsor's account in order to quantify if what I do in my spare time is worth it to other people, and thus I should continue doing it and posting it online.
I am mostly active in the r/dataisbeautiful/ Subreddit where I have accumulated around 60K karma points from OC posts, you can follow me there as u/davidmasp. Furthermore, I also try to talk about data and research in general in my Twitter account at @davidmasp.
Feel free to visit my website at