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Technology and Videogames lover. Developing your dreams #remoteworking in @PlainConcepts. Living in #Spain.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Daniel Martín González, aka danimart1991 👋🏼. Software Development Engineer at Plain Concepts by day and blog writer and open source maintainer by night. Focused on my home server and home automation.
You can find me reading my blog, helping as much as possible in home automation groups on Telegram and contributing whenever I can on GitHub.
I do my best to try to write articles where I show step by step how my systems advance and try to teach whoever wants to learn and help whoever has doubts.
With your sponsorship I will be able to dedicate more time to continue writing, contribute to open source projects and perhaps in the future make videos where I can show everything I am discovering day by day.

Featured Works


One blog more! Another post, another article.

Language: HTML - Stars:

Repository that host the No Country for Geeks blog.

Language: HTML - Stars: 1

Home Assistant Lovelace custom card to use with Spain electricity hourly pricing (PVPC) integration

Language: - Stars: 98

Home Assistant configuration running Hassio on a Raspberry Pi 2 B

Language: - Stars: 40

ESPHome configuration running on DIY and already-made ESP8266 and ESP32 devices.

Language: - Stars: 12

Docker Compose files to deploy services easily

Language: Shell - Stars: 15