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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Who are you, and where are you from?
Brit who daydreams of a better way to develop interactive solutions, estpetially for Unity projects🙃
My GitHub profile details my career and experiences.
Code components for long term endeavours for reuse. A key problem is discovery of components to a problem. We see a lot of repeated code accross simular projects which means developers are solving common problems. There must be a better way. Github Copilot is heading in a good direction for this, but more can be done.
What are you working on?
I am interested in taking just code automation to the next level.
Bridging the gap between users-stories and integration.
I also like to host my old projects on Github which previously others found useful.
Why is their sponsorship important? How will you use the funds?
It's surely every developers desire want to make projects that other people find useful. Sponsor are the result of such projects.
I have two wonderful boys and it's my life's sacrifice to give them the best start in life. Education is key to thriving in this world and so all my efforts are ensuring they have a better understanding of this world than myself.