Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/daguilarm
- Name: Damián Aguilar
- Location: San Javier, Spain
- Kind: user
- Followers: 19
- Following: 13
- Total stars: 39
- Repositories count: 6
- Created at: 2024-05-20T16:01:15.154Z
- Updated at: 2024-05-20T16:01:15.154Z
- Last synced at: 2024-05-20T16:01:15.104Z
GitHub Sponsors Profile
Hello, my name is Damián Aguilar and I am a programmer from Spain, based in Murcia. I currently work as a freelance programmer, and I try to dedicate every possible hour to maintenance my open source projects.
- Current Sponsors: 0
- Past Sponsors: 0
- Total Sponsors: 0
- Minimum Sponsorship: $2,000.00
Past Sponsorships
View AllSponsorship Breakdown by Kind
- User: 1