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Hobbyist programmer. 3D/Games, Compression, Compiler and VM technology, ...

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Who are you, and where are you from?

I am Brendan G Bohannon, at the time of this writing, I live in Oklahoma. I have lived various places in the US and in US territories (OR/NV/GU/AZ), and have lived in the US most of my life. Both my parents are also American, and I am a US citizen. Admittedly, I am also autistic, but I don't expect this is all that rare among programmers.
For the most part, my efforts have been independent hobbyist projects, rather than anything commercial or professional. What day jobs I have worked thus far have generally had little to do with computers.

What are you working on?

Various things, the past several years most of my effort has gone into the BJX2 ISA and CPU core, along with a lot of the associated tooling. On an Artix-7 FPGA, it is capable of delivering performance comparable to a mid-90s PC, but could potentially do better on a higher-end FPGA. I have been also working some towards trying to reduce cost and improve performance on this class of FPGA.
I have also worked on 3D stuff, and have written code both for GPUs as well as software renderers. I also sometimes work with data and audio/video compression and similar. Basically, whatever I feel is needed for the task at hand.

Why is their sponsorship important? How will you use the funds?

Maybe help support my cost of living, or other things related to my projects (such as bigger / fancier FPGA boards).
Like, I had been tempted with wanting to get a fancier Kintex board, but the cost of this is a little steep for someone who doesn't exactly have a high-payed job (or any job, say, due to virus-related layoffs...).
If I get enough, maybe I wouldn't need a day job and could focus more of my time on programming and similar, which is more what I find enjoyable, and it would be nice to know if anyone cares about the stuff I work on.

Featured Works


BGB related misc stuff.

Language: C - Stars: 7

BGBTech SH-2 and SH-4 Emulator / Stuff

Language: C - Stars: 5

BtSR1 and BJX2 ISA / CPU Architecture

Language: C - Stars: 24

Newer in-development engine + misc.

Language: C - Stars: 1