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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi! I'm Nate.
I live in the heart of Texas. 🤠
In my mornings, you'll find me at school
In my afternoons, I dive into my work at RemNote (best brain tool btw)
During midnight, silly engineering shenanigans may occur
Your support fuels my passion for creating. Whether it's developing RemNote plugins to enhance your learning, building open-source projects, or simply making things for fun.

"Doing something stupid on purpose really helps you to rekindle enjoying what you do." - Michael Reeves

Featured Works


A Citation Manager and Zotero Integration for RemNote! Cite research all within your knowledge base!

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 27

📡 Connecting RemNote to Discord!

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 6

📒 Soothing pastel theme for RemNote

Language: Less - Stars: 25

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 4

A RemNote plugin to automate moving unfinished todos to the next day.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 5
Past Sponsorships
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