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tools and stuff

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If you're here, it's hopefully because you're a listener of my podcast Tooling Talks, or appreciate some of the software I've help write.
Tooling Talks
Tooling talks was created in the middle of the Covid pandemic as a way for me to connect with others working in tooling and also as a way to shine some light on the world of tooling, primarily in the Scala ecosystem. It's not always the easiest area to get involved in, so let's try to address that by regularly talking about it. My hope is to regularly have conversation with helpful, diverse, and talented individuals all in hopes to help you, the listener, learn more about the tooling you use everywhere. Maybe it will even help you get started contributing.

Tooling Talks A monthly podcast of talks about developer tooling.

Scala and Vim
Going into 2020 one of my goals was to do everything I could to ensure Scala developers using Vim had a solid experience.

I wrote about this a bit in a blog, but I'm pretty happy with where we are at and have been continually working towards that goal. In many ways this threw me into the wold of developer tooling, LSP, BSP, and the likes. Diving into this all also sparked a desire to help newcomers get into the world of tooling.

nvim-metals A Metals plugin for NeoVim

Scala Tooling
In general, I just enjoy working on tooling. Since I write Scala on a daily basis much of that work ends up being in that ecosystem. Here's a few projects that I help maintain and things I'm currently working on.

Metals The Scala Language Server
sbt-scoverage Scala code coverage sbt plugin.
scoverage code coverage compiler plugin
mill-github-dependency-graph to submit your dependencies to GitHub
mill-scip to upload your Mill builds to Sourcegraph
A big focus of mine more recently has also been on improving the diagnostic structure in Scala 3 -

Sometimes you can find me streaming at Come say hello.

Featured Works


A monthly series of talks about tooling.

Language: Scala - Stars: 47

A Metals plugin for Neovim

Language: Lua - Stars: 494

Scala language server with rich IDE features 🚀

Language: Scala - Stars: 2166

sbt plugin for scoverage

Language: Scala - Stars: 652
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