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Certified Open Source Software Engineer, OSS contributor, author and content creator. OSS is my passion and my profession. Alumni GitHub Star :star:

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

👋 Welcome to my GitHub Sponsors page! I'm Vladimír Gorej (char0n), a dedicated Open Source Software Engineer with over 25 years of experience. My journey in Open Source is both a passion and a profession, driven by a commitment to community-driven innovation.
🛠️ I am the current maintainer of Swagger JavaScript tools and the founder of SwaggerExpert - a community dedicated to developing extensions and enhancing the Swagger ecosystem. Through SwaggerExpert, I aim to connect developers and provide solutions that elevate their projects.
🕰️ My Open Source journey began 26 years ago when I created my first project in QBasic, which you can still find on GitHub (morcom). This early experience laid the foundation for my ongoing commitment to the field.
⭐ As a recognized alumni member of the GitHub Stars program, I am part of a respected community of developers acknowledged for their significant contributions and leadership within the GitHub community. This recognition not only showcases my work but also amplifies my efforts to shape the future of Open Source on GitHub.
❤️ Despite the immense value of Open Source, it doesn't pay the bills. By becoming a sponsor, you enable me to devote more time to creating and maintaining software that you and many others rely on.
🚀 My mission is clear: to deliver exceptional value through the Open Source libraries I build, making them accessible to a broad audience. If you've ever used any of my libraries, consider how much they've contributed to your projects. Your sponsorship would mean THE WORLD to me and help ensure that I continue to lead innovation in Open Source software.
🙏 Thank you for considering supporting my work. Together, we can make a difference and keep the spirit of Open Source thriving.

Featured Works


FFmpegPHP is a pure OO PHP port of ffmpeg-php library that was written in C. It adds an easy to use, object-oriented API for accessing and retrieving information from video and audio files. It has …

Language: PHP - Stars: 493

Ramda Adjunct is the most popular and most comprehensive set of functional utilities for use with Ramda, providing a variety of useful, well tested functions with excellent documentation.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 683

This GitHub Actions validates OpenAPI (OAS) definition file using Swagger Editor.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 48

JSON:API specific algorithm for merging included resources into original data.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 23

OpenAPI Server URL templating parser, validator and substitution mechanism.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 3

OpenAPI Path Templating parser, validator and resolver.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 2
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