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Software Engineer who enjoys working in diverse tech-stack ranging from UI, backend, and data engineering to desktop apps.

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Hi there, I'm Chaitanya. A software engineer from Boston who enjoys working in the diverse tech stack and build free-to-use utility tools to increase developer's productivity such as Case Class Generator and NodePad.
For the past few years, I've been doing more data engineering work. I often write about best practices and How-To-Dos that helps engineers running complicated big-data workflows locally for the debugging purpose: Spark Streaming with HTTP REST endpoint serving JSON data and spark-http-streaming repo. In Past, I also wrote a few npm packages (data-tree)and utility library for android (Glowy).
Sponsoring me on Github directly supports my current free-to-use utility projects. Some of my ongoing projects, such as NodePad (a desktop app), require code signing certification and app store fees. This sponsorship will help me cover some of those expenses and keep me focused on writing cool utility tools.