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I'm Benoit Rospars a software engineer based in Grenoble.

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello, I'm Benoit,
I'm the creator and maintainer of various open source projects and librairies such as mkdocs-page-pdf or jquery-simple-calendar. I work at Inria where I build software to support free and open online courses (we provide forums, Jupyter Notbooks environment, mobile courses, etc). I also try to contribute as much as possible to the open source community for work but also on my spare time.
By donating a small amount every month, you allow me to work more on open source on my spare time and support my family. Thank you ❤️

Featured Works


Simple calendar jquery plugin

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 48

An Mkdocs plugin to download documentation pages as pdf.

Language: Python - Stars: 17

A JupyterHub authenticator for LTI

Language: Python - Stars:

Discourse plugin for using Discourse as a discussion forum in EdX courses

Language: Ruby - Stars:

A bookmarklet and app to create a table of content for an OpenEdx course

Language: Vue - Stars: