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Trying to make an impact on your life, 🎄 one line at a time

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About Me
Hello, I am Rahul Mishra, aka BlankParticle on internet.
I love to tweak around random technology and build cool things.
Currently I am a CSE Student, Studying in India.
I work on/maintain Open Source projects written with web technologies. If my code helps you in archiving your goal then consider Sponsoring me so that I can invest more time for working in OSS.
Thank You ❤️

Featured Works


Modern email for teams and professionals. A replacement for outdated email technology and tools. Alt to,,

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 1559

packages and libraries created by the unproprietary corporation team

Language: HTML - Stars: 10

Allow to connect bluetooth paired devices from gnome control panel.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 33

A Tailwind CSS plugin that allows you to load colors from URL of Realtime Colors

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 7
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