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DevOps @zenskar | LiFT Scholar | GHC Scholar'22 | DevOps | Open Source

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/bhavyastar

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hey folks!
Bhavya is an undergraduate Computer Science student from India. She is a Full-Stack developer and a DevOps and cloud Enthusiast.
She is working as Junior Developer Evangelist at @Merico.
She is a GHC Scholar'22, Kubesimplify Ambassador, Developer in community classroom and Kubeworld, and Co-Founder of SuperContributors.
She also contributed to different CNCF projects like Meshery, Service Mesh Patterns, Datree, and others.
She also worked as a Project Manager at OSWC.
She believes in the power of community and empowering others.

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