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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hey all.
Thanks for checking my profile.
I'm a Canadian who has made his way to Japan. Professionally, I work in engineering management. But, outside of work I still like to write code.
I tend to work on small side projects that I find useful or interesting. If my code has helped you out, and you feel like you want to throw some money my way, who am I to refuse? That said, you're under no obligation to do so and everything I post publically you're free to use without sponsoring me.

Featured Works


Unofficial Social Badge for

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 20

Foundry VTT - Docker

Language: Dockerfile - Stars: 33

Node client for API

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 2

Add support for LXQt Archiver to the thunar-archive-plugin in the Thunar File Manager

Language: Shell - Stars: 1