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Full Stack Developer. Laravel & Vue Addict. Father. Human.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

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I'm Javier Martínez. Lead Developer at 64 Robots. I make content for the Nuxt, Vue and Laravel community (blog posts, courses and mostly tweets!) I maintain some open source projects and give talks whenever they call me.
Sometimes I write some Nuxt and Vue tips on Vue Dose and my blog
I also have a Vue Testing course (in spanish) on
You can follow me on Twitter @beliolfa
Thanks for supporting me!

Featured Works


A collection of customizable Nova Fields.

Language: Vue - Stars: 288

Create blog posts from the command line and get them up and running automaticly

Language: Vue - Stars: 75

Visual Studio Code extension that enables autocomplete for Vuex state, getters, actions and mutations

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 2

App for managing homework during Covid-19 lockdown. Demo build:

Language: Vue - Stars: 4

Generator of random questions for playing Trivia. Built with Nuxt, Firebase and Tailwindcss.

Language: Vue - Stars:
beliolfa/ site build on top of Nuxt, Tailwind and NES.css

Language: Vue - Stars:
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