Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/Aytackydln
- Name: Aytaç Kayadelen
- Kind: user
- Followers: 27
- Following: 33
- Total stars: 28
- Repositories count: 36
- Created at: 2023-05-03T15:15:23.837Z
- Updated at: 2025-02-21T18:35:00.171Z
- Last synced at: 2025-02-21T18:35:00.171Z
GitHub Sponsors Profile
Current maintainer of Project-Aurora
Any contribution to me goes directly to my pension plan
- Current Sponsors: 3
- Past Sponsors: 0
- Total Sponsors: 3
- Minimum Sponsorship: $1.00
Active Sponsors
Past Sponsors
Sponsor Breakdown
- User: 3