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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi folks, I'm artis3n and I'm a security hacker. I like to build tools that enhance my workflow and contribute to open source that benefits the wider engineering and security communities.
In particular, I see a good amount of use of my Ansible role to install and configure Tailscale.
I currently work at DigitalOcean and maintain the digitalocean/github-oidc/vault Terraform module to make hooking OIDC authentication to Vault from GitHub Action runners easy for enterprise architectures.
If any of my work has helped you out and you feel like throwing some money my way, that's very appreciated!

Featured Works


Ansible role to install and configure a Tailscale node.

Language: Makefile - Stars: 440

Take this course to learn how to create fine-grained, least-privilege HashiCorp Vault roles for GitHub Action workflows using GitHub OIDC.

Language: - Stars: 14

Deploy a Collection to Ansible Galaxy.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 92

A kalilinux/kali-rolling container with extra juice.

Language: Shell - Stars: 18

Rego policies for enterprise-scale Compliance-as-Code with OPA Conftest.

Language: Open Policy Agent - Stars: 58
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