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I do stuff with hardware and software.

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I am the creator of ADVi3++, a custom firmware for Wanhao i3 Plus 3D printers and their clones.
What is ADVi3++?
ADVi3++ is an alternative and better open-source firmware for Wanhao i3 Plus 3D printers and their clones. It is based on the latest stable version of Marlin and add some features like the tuning of your printer (stepper motors tuning, bed leveling, thermal protection, etc.), thermal protection (in case something wrong happens to your printer), buzzer control (no more this annoying sound), screen dimming control, etc.
I also publish technical documents about i3 Plus printers, their internals and some other useful information.
Why Github Sponsors?
Working on ADVi3++ takes a lot of time and effort. I make my best to release good quality software, useful and precise documents. I track bugs reported by users and record enhancement requests. I invest also time and money to build, for example, a printer simulator.
If you like what I am doing, please consider supporting me as a sponsor so I can continue and develop new releases and new documents. Supporting this project is a guaranty for you that it will continue and become better and better.

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ADVi3++, an alternative and better firmware for Wanhao i3 Plus printers and clones. Fork of Marlin Firmware.

Language: C++ - Stars: 248
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