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Changing the culture, one codebase at a time.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I heavily focus on Unreal Engine related projects, but I also run a cryptocurrency and am trying to roll out my own game development / source control platform.
I try to make all of my tools free, provided that support isn't too daunting. All sponsored money will go directly to time and costs regarding supporting my Github and other open source projects.

Featured Works


An attempt to make Unreal Engine 4 projects more consistent

Language: - Stars: 5492

Shell utility to download owned assets from the UE4 marketplace.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 181

Allows you to export arbitrary objects via a blueprint node in editor builds

Language: C++ - Stars: 75

Sends desired render target texture to Spout if UE4 is running in OpenGL mode

Language: C++ - Stars: 43

Some tools and scripts that extend the functionality of UE4

Language: C++ - Stars: 40

A shell script that will automate setting up a perforce server on a linux host.

Language: Shell - Stars: 48
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