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Advocate for all things open.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hey everyone! 👋 Alex here.
I'm a doctor in Materials Science and Technology, working with image processing and computer vision since 2006. Over the years I have developed competency in different tools and programming languages, such as Python, R, MATLAB/GNU Octave, and ImageJ, as well as best-practices for scientific software development like version control, unit testing, and documentation.
I was a co-maintainer of scikit-image, an open source collection of algorithms for image processing in Python, from 2016 to late 2022, reviewing and maintaining code. I have smaller contributions to other known open source packages as well — including NumPy and SciPy.
These days I am improving my low-level capabilities and studying computer architecture, to be a better contributor to open source software. Your funding will support me on my journey to work full-time on open source, writing tutorials, fixing bugs, maintaining packages, and so on.
Thank you for your support! 🙂

Featured Works


Image processing in Python

Language: Python - Stars: 6198

Automated butterfly wing length measurement

Language: Python - Stars: 29
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