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PhD in Data Science and AI at AIT

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I am a Ph.D. student at AIT.
My main work (thesis) is to find a way to measure blood glucose using Raman.
My other too many side projects to sharing my knowledge and my current best practices with others.
I do believe my expertise is in

Dockerized project: I exclusively do all my projects using Docker.
Web app DevOps: NUXT, Django, Ruby on Rails, Traefik
ML/DL Ops: MLFlow, PyTorch, sklearn
System Admin: bind9, Proxmox, truenas, LDAP
Starting on Azure CI/CD with GitHub Action

So, the plan is to put all of this on my personal GitHub page
And your sponsor will motivate me to prioritize this.

Featured Works


Language: Java - Stars:

Language: Python - Stars: 4

Language: Vue - Stars:

This is the starter project for Programming Language and Compiler course @ AIT. Since 2024, we use Python.

Language: Python - Stars: 2