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I'm awesome.

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Adrian - Web Developer Extraordinaire
Awesome Dad, Web Developer. Picky Eater.

Disclaimer: I've gained most of my knowledge from Google searches.

👋 Helloooooooo. My name is Adrian. How are you today? 😀

🔭 I'm currently working on a workspace application built w/ Electron, Webpack, Tailwind, and Vue.
🌱 I'm currently learning how to communicate effectly in a team setting.
🎮 I'm a World of Warcraft Final Fantasy XIV Online casual player (hardcore raider in the past).
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on any type of PHP or JAM stacked driven project.
🤔 I'm looking for help in a leadership role.
🖥️ I'd like to get into streaming coding or gaming on Twitch.
💬 Ask me about how I got to where I am today as a self taught developer.
📫 How to reach me: Direct to google hangouts, email, or twitter would be best to reach me.
💪 Martial Art: Jiu jitsu (White Belt)
⚡ Fun fact: I'm self taught and YOU CAN TOO. ;)

💌 Get in touch

🐦 @ me via twitter @itsAdrianMejias
🔑 @ me via gmail/ghangouts [email protected]
💜 Contact me for information or services at my Personal Website or LinkedIn

Featured Works


A simple class instance autoloader for PHP applications.

Language: PHP - Stars:

A PHP library that provides a pretty output for PHP error and exception handling.

Language: PHP - Stars:

A Chrome extension that changes pray to fart.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: