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GitHub Sponsors Profile

A bee savers sponsored project workspace! is the first bee development movement over the internet.
We focus our work developing solutions for beekeeping and citizen science.
No bee, no food! Think about, take actions agains pesticide use, bee aware about your food orign.
We will use your gentle sponsor ammount to:

[ ] Pay monthly for cloud servers;
[ ] Financial Support our developers transport, ISP, and their time on projects;
Bee Smart! Bee Alert, Bee Happy keeping your bees safe!
Keep you bees safe using gps based control system and automation for apiaries and meliponaries.
Mantenha suas criações seguras utilizando sistemas geolocalizados de controle e automação para apiários e meliponários!
Tecnologia para criadores de abelhas!
#Startup #49er @49educacao

Featured Works


🔗 Your Own URL Shortener for bee related links and URLs! Join us!

Language: PHP - Stars:

Arduino script to gather sensor data from ardunio, DHT222 sensor and upload to Xively using GSM shield. Power management using solar shield

Language: Arduino - Stars:

Accelerated Mobile Pages Foundations

Language: HTML - Stars: